Freelance Saga Episode 5 Read online

Page 4

  “It’s really quiet.” said Deanna. The only noise in the area was the occasional drip of water from a stalactite.

  Scott glanced at her then back at the cave. It was quiet, horribly quiet. Even in the upper levels there were sounds. A rat would skitter, or a bat would shriek. Down here, there was nothing but the sound of intermittent drops of water that fell from the stalactites.

  Something caught his attention and he pointed it out. “Was that pool of water here before?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” said Mina.

  Rowan spoke up then as well. “Master, there’s water behind us too, now.”

  Everyone turned to view the small stream of water that had appeared behind them. The entire cavern now sported a wide, but seemingly shallow, stream. The stream of water covered the entire distance across the cave and blocked off the path to the higher areas.

  “We should get out of here. If the water is pooling up like this, it might get dangerous soon.” said Scott.

  “Right...” said Scarlet. She eyed the wide, and still growing, stream of water carefully. Something about it seemed to be wrong on several levels.

  The group moved toward the newly formed stream. However, the moment they got close to it the small stream began to ripple strangely.

  “The hell?” said Scott.

  The stream began to creep toward them, slowly. Tendrils of water began to form then snaked their way toward the surprised group.

  “... It’s moving.” said Scarlet.

  “Shit, of course!” snapped Scott. He had not realized it earlier since it had looked like nothing but water. There was another type of monster known to occasionally appear in this cave. It rarely appeared according to the information he had received during the initial mission briefing.

  “Master?” asked Mina.

  “We’re surrounded by slime. Scarlet, burn us a path through!” said the man.

  The dragon did not bother to cry out an answer. Instead she immediately breathed out a flame breath attack that caused the closest tendrils to melt away. The quasi-magical attack caused the slime to ripple wildly in response. The entire mass began to move at a rapid pace.

  “Keep it up, Scarlet. We need to break through!” shouted Scott.

  The dragon had the only real magical attack among them all. Scarlet continued to fire off her flame breath attacks, but there was too much slime. Every time she burned a path forward, more moved into the area to fill in the recently cleared area.

  “It’s coming!” shouted Rowan.

  Scott looked up then stared ‘hard’. A tidal wave of slime had risen up from the nearby pool and was about to overtake them. They did not even have time to scream properly before the massive wave of slime crashed down atop them. Not long after, the cavern became silent once more.


  Several hours had passed since the slime had declared total victory. Since then a scene out of a horror movie, or perhaps a common theme in adult monster erotica, had played out continuously.

  Scott struggled mightily to break away from the viscous tendrils that held him tight. However, as he had learned throughout the last few hours, physical strength was useless against the overly amorous slime monster.

  “We’ll be so happy here! I’ll feed you, and bathe you, and mate with you every day.” A slime tendril slid casually across his face. He tried not to shudder in disgust; the clueless amorphous bitch hated that sort of thing. Whenever he shuddered, she would attempt to pout at him, and then she would do something that both violated and embarrassed him.

  “So, pretty.” She leaned in closely to look at the color of his eyes. Over the last few hours she had admired his eyes many times. It was a creepy and overly familiar method of getting to know him better, as far as he could tell.

  She shifted one tendril into a hand then made her amorphous mass take on a more humanoid appearance. She pulled him close then kissed him on the cheek. “My own special man.”

  Scott could see the girls in the far corner of the cavern. They struggled fiercely to break free of their own overly amorous slime companions.

  Occasionally, Scarlet had used her power to conjure flame to drive the slime monsters back, but they were not particularly weak against that element. It could dry the slime out a bit, but fire did little else to them. There was too much of the slimy mass nearby. The moisture shared among them allowed the monsters to regenerate easily.

  “Look, no means no, OK?” Scott tried to pull away, but the slime monster only giggled in response.

  “It’s so cute. Why do men always play so hard to get?” she asked him.

  The blue slime leaned in and ran her newly formed lips and tongue softly along his neck. He shivered in response. She felt the vibration of his movements and pulled in closer. The remainder of her unformed mass undulated briefly then moved in a flowing stream to surround him. Soon he was almost completely engulfed by her gelatinous form. Only his face and neck were free.

  His clothes and armor had long since dissolved inside of her due to the peculiarly specific acid that she generated. It seemed that the slime queen was a creature of many talents. Only his shot gun remained intact, but that was on the other side of the area and would be useless anyway.

  “You’ll be happy here. We’ll have lots of fun, and raise our babies together.” she said.

  Almost as an afterthought she said, “Sure, your little girl friends will have to be converted into more of my slime subordinates, but that’s a blessing really. Don’t you think?”

  “I’m not really into aggressive women.” said Scott. He was horrified by what he had heard, but he needed to try and maintain a level head. As long as he escaped, he could summon the girls away. He just needed to remain calm and find a way to do that before they were turned into slime girls or the amorphous bitch decided she would rather eat him.

  She laughed at him then nibbled on his ear. “You liar... I saw you and that little dragon slut of yours up by the waterfall. You love it when a girl takes what she wants.”

  He started to protest but her mass shifted again. She formed a humanoid body, but kept him partially trapped using tentacles formed of slime. “No, don’t lie to me. You love it when I do this to you, don’t you?”

  He was forced onto his back. When he tried to speak up a slime tendril rammed into his mouth, forcing him to choke and gag. “Shhhh, my love. Be quiet.”

  Scott bit down, hard. It did no good. Physical attacks were nearly useless against slime monsters due to their natural properties. Her tendril began to pump and vibrate gently in his mouth.

  “Humans, they like doing that sort of thing right? They suck on their loved one’s body parts?”

  His eyes widened in disbelief as the tendril split into three segments. Two went to either side of his head to hold it in place, while the other tendril continued to violate his mouth.

  In the corner, Scarlet and Mina, his companions were not faring much better. The red headed dragon girl had been flipped onto her stomach and her ass was pulled into the air. Slime tendrils teased her slit, and slid liquidly into her pert ass. Mina, had been lifted into the air, and was in the throes of a hardcore slime assault. Several slime tentacles where rapidly pumping into her pussy with vibrant excitement. Both girls were helpless to fight against the onslaught of the slime monsters and their slutty queen.

  The slime queen blushed deeply. Her newly crafted face took on the appearance of a young girl in lust. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a boyfriend. I don’t know why, but humans always try to run away from me.”

  Scott gagged on her tendril in response. She smiled at his obviously shy and demure nature. What a nice boy. She hoped that he would last a while. His pretty eyes fascinated her.

  Her translucent hand reached down to grasp his cock. The tendril of her new husband was smaller than any that she could make, but she had seen men that could not even do this much. She wondered briefly, whether it could grow longer.

  She slid her mass out of his mouth. He
r love-slime coated his lips and throat. Scott had begun to check out mentally at this point. He was absolutely trapped and unable to do anything but gasp like a fish.

  “Honey, can I play with your tendril?” She gripped his cock and slid his hand up and down gently. It felt so hot and hard in her hand. It was such a warm and pleasant feeling.

  She bit her faux-lip then smiled. “I know! You seem nervous. If we do it like humans do it, we’ll have more fun!”

  Some might have considered this sort of action to be rape, but despite his somewhat bizarre mental state he knew that the slime queen only saw this as appropriate foreplay. She was not human. In her own way she probably thought that she was being sweet and tender.

  Scott did not give a damn about that at the moment. He coughed loudly and slime sputtered from his lips. “You bitch!”

  She gasped at him then put her hands together. Her eyes lit up with a strangely affectionate joy. “Is that the so-called dirty talk that I’ve heard about? What should I call you?”

  Scott had several choice things to say to the girl, but something about the situation resonated with him. She was not being violently aggressive because she wanted to dominate him. She was trying to get to know him better.

  Suddenly, a way out appeared within the violated recesses of his mind. It was a crazy idea; honestly he was not even certain that it would work. But in this badly scripted monster porn-like scenario it might work in his favor. Plus, the slime queen did not seem to be particularly well-informed on the nature of human sexual interaction.

  “My Master, call me My Master.” said Scott. If he was stuck inside a scene from a demented adult animated film, then he would escape using porn logic.

  “Master? OK! You’ll be My Master, and I’ll be Bitch!” said the slime queen with great enthusiasm. It was a beautiful day. Her new husband wanted to play with her. None of the men that she had courted had ever shown any enthusiasm, unless you counted escape attempts.

  “No, you’ll be Your Bitch.” said Scott carefully. It was the crucial moment in his plan. He needed to use a psychological tactic in combination with his passive trainer skills in order to work his way to freedom.

  “Oh, of course My Master! I’ll be Your Bitch.” she replied with an excited smile. A second later her expression shifted to one of mild confusion. Something about that did not seem to be quite, right.

  She was on the verge of saying something about his naming sense, but he clamped his lips around her pseudo-nipple and she gasped out loudly. Such a sensation was practically unknown to her. The feel of a man who actually wanted to be in her presence was quite intoxicating. A brilliant blush formed along the bridge of her faux-nose.

  He released her glistening nipple not long after. In response, she kissed him on the neck again. The blush that had appeared earlier spread quickly downward to cause even her breasts to change color.

  She was truly happy to know that her husband was into her, now. It was so nice to know that they would be able to get along in the future. She began to daydream about raising a family of slimes and even envisioned a human-like domestic scene where she wore an apron and made sandwiches.

  “If we’re going to be together properly, you have to do what I say.” said Scott.

  “Hmm, really? That seems like a strange custom.” replied the slime queen. That really did not seem right, after all. Wasn’t he just her husband? She was a queen.

  “Well, what’s my name?” asked Scott carefully.

  “You’re My Master, of course.” She giggled sweetly when she tasted his name on her lips once more. It sounded naughty. It sounded naughty, and right.

  Why did it sound so, right? She underwent a moment of confusion, but it passed quickly.

  “Who are you then?” asked Scott.

  “Well, I’m Your Bitch...” Her eyes widened in realization.

  She finally understood his naming sense. “My, that’s really clever...”

  It was not that clever, but it did not matter. He could already see the effect of his passive training skills begin to take place. The more comfortable she became with the idea of him being her master, the better his chances were of getting out of the situation. The girls would be able to be summoned to his side if he could get clear of the area.

  Scott managed to slip his hands up to grip her heavy, swaying, pseudo-breasts. Her eyes widened in pleased surprise. “Oh, that feels nice My Master.”

  While Scott tried to overcome the queen through the awesome power of hentai porn logic, the girls were dealing with struggles of their own. Each of them had been swarmed by a lusty daughter of the queen.

  Scarlet screamed out in ecstatic bliss from the corner as a tendril plunged into her ass and two other tendrils twisted her supple breasts. She and her harem sisters were being pleasured in strange and unusual ways. Strangely, they no longer seemed to be fighting it. If anything, they seemed quite happy with the situation.

  Deanna almost seemed to be begging for it at this point. Her loud cries and blissful moans were quite telling.

  Mina gasped loudly as two different slimes, or perhaps a single slime monster who had formed two heads, suckled at her aching breasts. She mooed loudly and gasped for air. Small amounts of milk began to flow from her and she closed her eyes and accepted the blissful sensation.

  Rowan had become something of a delightful attraction for several of the slime monsters. There was no part of her beautiful body, other than her nose, that was not covered in undulating slime. The monsters slid tendrils into her mouth, ass, and vagina randomly. She seemed to have checked out entirely at this point and did nothing but moan and shudder. Occasionally, she cried out sweetly as one of the slime monsters caressed a particularly tender spot.

  Scott knew what that meant, or at least monster related porn had given him an idea about what was happening now. If porn had taught him anything, the aphrodisiac chemicals that the slime monsters secreted had finally begun to take effect. Soon, none of them would be able to think straight.

  He screwed up his courage and pulled the slime queen closer to him. She opened her mouth in surprise and he kissed her passionately.

  Her tendrils began to loosen as the unfamiliar sensation overcame her once more. She had never known the sensation of a man touching her of his own free will. Most had to be forced into the situation. Many of them whimpered and begged for death. This was a strangely exciting sensation for her and each time he willingly touched her she could feel a strange warmth well up deep inside.

  The idea that he actually wanted to do such things on his own made her want to positively gush with happiness. When their lips parted she hungrily whispered, “My Master.”

  He would get one shot at this. The chemicals were already taking effect, or so he thought.

  It was obvious. His only hope in this situation was total erotic domination! It was the option taken by many adventurers when forced to fight against queen monsters due to their humanoid natures. It was a sex battle, fuck or be fucked!

  Scott continued his assault, which was a strange thing considering the fact that he had been the one to be assaulted earlier. He leaned his body against her and despite her superior mass she easily gave way to his desires.

  He kissed her warmly on the neck, massaged her quivering tits, and swirled his hips against her lower mass. As he caressed, stroked, and teased the slime queen her translucent flesh solidified further. She began to take on a more human appearance. Soon, she looked like a completely human girl, albeit a girl with translucent blue flesh. Her hair also maintained the appearance of tendrils at the tips.

  “What, what are you doing to me My Master?” The slime queen breathed out heavily when his hand slid down to stroke her perfectly formed vagina. His fingers slid casually along her translucent folds. He teased her without mercy.

  “I’m taking charge of my property. You’re my bitch aren’t you?” he said in a matter-of-fact manner.

  “Your Bitch, yes...” she said. Her eyes went wide when his fingers sli
d between her newly formed folds. He was so confident in how he handled her body. She was not certain what to expect next!

  “Who am I?” demanded Scott. His fingers slid well into her vagina and he strongly began to massage her there.

  The slime queen gurgled in response then blushed heavily once more. Scott would not relent, however. “Say it. Say my name, or I’ll stop.”

  “My Master! You’re My Master. Please don’t stop!” She pleaded with him to continue. His touch had already become something important to her, at least in this moment.

  “Tell me that you’ll always follow my orders without question.” said Scott.

  “Uhm.” She was resistant to saying such a thing even though she was not certain why.

  Scott spread her pussy wide then teased her entrance with his manly tendril. “If you want me to stop, I will... But if you want me to take charge of your beautiful pussy, you have to prove your loyalty...”

  “M-My Master… Don’t tease me. I’ll follow your orders without question!” Her expression became desperate. She looked at him with both great desire and need.

  “I’ll do as I like. I’m the master, remember? You’re supposed to do what I say.” said Scott in an authoritative and calculated way.

  “Yes… My Master...” She whimpered then bucked her hips at him a little. What was he doing to her to make her act like this? No man had ever made her feel so utterly excited! They usually ran away or screamed. Sometimes they cried and offered her money. None of them had ever openly done something like this, and she had become quite addicted to the feeling of being desired.

  “Tell me that you want it.” said Scott.

  “I want it...” She said in a quiet, timid, voice.

  “I did not hear that. Tell me that you want me to fuck you. Use my name.”

  “Fuck? Uhm, I… I want My Master to fuck me.” she said in a timid and submissive manner. What was this strange desire that she felt? Why did she want to do anything that this man said? Her mass quivered gently at the very idea of it all. Some strange, alien, desire had come over her and she could not fight against it.